Bespoke shirt subscription package
Sign up now to our fantastic shirt subscription package. For £35 per month you will receive a bespoke shirt designed by us to your measurements once every quarter. Four shirts per year ranging from casual inc linen, smart casual and formal. Leave the thinking to us and enjoy the convenience of always having something luxury to wear on demand!
Sign up now to our fantastic shirt subscription package. For £35 per month you will receive a bespoke shirt designed by us to your measurements once every quarter. Four shirts per year ranging from casual inc linen, smart casual and formal. Leave the thinking to us and enjoy the convenience of always having something luxury to wear on demand!
Sign up now to our fantastic shirt subscription package. For £35 per month you will receive a bespoke shirt designed by us to your measurements once every quarter. Four shirts per year ranging from casual inc linen, smart casual and formal. Leave the thinking to us and enjoy the convenience of always having something luxury to wear on demand!
Once the subscription package is purchased we will contact you in order to book you in to be measured. We will also gather requirements from you in order to give us a guideline as to what shirt styles/colours/detailing you prefer, which will help us when designing shirts for you.